Attorney fee for Design registration in India

Action based fee

  • Attorney fee for preparing and filing a design application in India
  • Additional fee for responding to office actions
  • Additional fee for preparing evidences and arguments
  • Additional fee for attending hearings with the examiner

Capped Flat fee

  • Attorney fee for preparing and filing a design application in India
  • No further fee for responding to office actions
  • No further fee for preparing evidences and arguments
  • No further fee for attending hearings with the examiner

Fee for foreign applicants in US Dollars

 Official fee of filing a Design Registration in India

Applicant typeIndian RupeesUS Dollars
Large Firm400072

Essential elements for a Registration of Design in India

  1. The design must be new, original, and not previously published or used in any country before the date of filing the application for registration.
  2. The design must have distinct features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation capable of being applied to an article.
  3. The design must be capable of being applicable to any article by an industrial process.
  4. The features of the designs in the finished article should capable of being judged solely by the eye.
  5. The Design should be significantly distinguishable from a known design or a combination of known designs.

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